September 25, 2013

A Thought

What does a leader mean to you? What does 'to lead' mean to you? Is leading a kind of prestigious task that it makes you look cool while doing it? Is leading a kind of forcing people to do what you want to and to unite the various way of thinking in order to be matched with yours? Is leading is so dirty that you are able to take granted of it for the sake of a title?

What does it mean to have a leadership attitude?

Not that I mention I have been capable enough to be a leader, I am far away from it. Firstly, I, in some way can't be neutral. There's just always this tiny feeling of mine which always forces me to judge people. A leader needs to be neutral. A leader doesn't belong to a certain group, because  a leader has to be a messenger of each person's aspiration. A sudden thought on why a certain person thinks s/he has a leadership ability, just simply can not be accepted. Just like how smart people always feel dumber everyday for acknowledging new things and they happen to think that they still haven't known much, a leader has to be like that. A leader who considers their leadership is getting better is simply not good. They who promise people that they will do this and that, won't do much in future. IMHO.

So how do I, personally, consider someone deserves to be a leader? It's so subtle. A true leader, has done much when an-I supposed to be-a-leader still considers to be a leader. a true leader will have harvested their deeds of goods, when an-I supposed to be-a-leader just start to promise us these and those. And when the time comes, a true leader will have known their environment like the back of their hand when an-I suppose to be-a-leader just begin to acknowledge. Oh, you want to be a leader and you don't even acknowledge your environment? Get a life. How will you solve some complex situations in future then?

I am just one of the society who enjoys her role well. In this meantime, as I am faced with so many new situations, I always think that my personality hasn't been good enough, yet still far from good. That is the reason on why I want to be leaded by the true one, because I am sure that the true one can be an example of good to the people s/he leads.

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