December 30, 2014

An Essay on Life: Why the Lesson of Life Acknowledges No Expert

No one is ever mature enough in encountering the variety of life’s lesson. You maybe excel in Physics, a paramount in Law, or a reincarnation of Nelson Mandela. But no, no one could ever be the Father of Life Lesson. This is because the fluid of events which are mostly unpredictable, unprecedented, and increasing its own complexity as the human’s mind ability develop its depth and breadth. To put it simply, the answer could be summed up as follow; because the nature of human is just so humane. However within this post I would try to write more concise and structurised so here I go.
  1. Complexity of Human Beings
I may not have the quality in talking about the parameter of complexity. Because it is, however, complex , but let me write a very poor perspectives of mine on complexity of human beings.
Claiming that all humans are arrogant is a form of falsification, because most is certainly different with all, as taught in the Logic of Math. Hence this is what makes a person becoming paramount in his/her own aspect. S/he maybe excel in being patient but not in being confident. S/he maybe an expert in giving advises about love but s/he may suck in managing financial. However the aforementioned examples are not proper enough in proving why subjectivity matters. It actually involves a more complex explanation.

Each human beings had grown and got shaped by different events, surroundings, meeting different people, hence different way of thinking. And this way of thinking (as the ability to think is the greatest treasure a human possesses) is embedded and therefore affecting other aspects of living. When one is surrounded by people who compete through their achievement, then s/he tends to be ambitious, because people assess you through your accomplishment. They would not really give a damn whether you’ve been through the third world war throughout the process or you instantly reach your goal. What they care about is the tittle you acquired, the trophies you exhibit in your living room, or the amount of victories you publicise. And the character which has grown with him/her would eventually trouble them. Being ambitious would most likely benefit you if you know when to stop. At times, personally speaking, it stresses you out for not being able in giving the best out of you. Some times you forget that you do not live for yourself. That life was meant as a process of understanding inclusively. That we should not always look above us and neglect what is beneath us. That we are responsible in reaching out to those who is still climbing. That is why one is never good enough in life as they are excellent in their chosen path.

Subjectivity does matter. That is probably why 16 Personalities advises you to partner up with the opposing personality. As an extrovert should befriend with introvert. There has to be a process of adding and subtracting, because too much is never good. And though you went through it already, there must have been an embedded character of yours that is just impossible to be lessen because it what makes you you.

2.      . Mind Palace

To borrow the script from Sherlock Season Three Episode Three, Mind Palace has remained as the only treasure trove one could never break into (unless you brain-wash them). Moreover, mind palace would also be the most valuable treasure one would ever possess. It stores the split of events; your first McDonald, your first transaction as a child with the cashier, things which would not be recorded physically, and that what makes it exclusive; remain as the only party who is able to play and tap rewind button without being judged. Mind Palace also becomes the ship in which you do not need a legal license for being a captain. You could control everything, and by every thing I mean every tiniest aspect within your life, whether you want to give a damn about details or not, or not even consider it at all and stuffs nobody could control you. Though some may argue that there must have lied the probability of being dictatated by parents, in an instance, but the process of filtering the command could only be experienced by you and through your way. Nobody could really direct your process of thinking.

However, mind palace also becomes the reason as to why nobody could really become a doctoral in Life course. Because (unless the invention of personality type transmitters had come into being, as in Divergent)  it would be impossible to fully alter the way you think, or digest informations, or setting the ideal  step-by-step model of how humans should think. And this dearth is what unables you to cater all the events you passed or going to face. Though there are tons of Tedxtalks videos uploaded on Youtube, hundreds episodes of The Golden Ways have been televised for years, the final application of those lessons rest on your own hands. Because no matter how wise Mario Teguh is, there must be a loophole in which he is not able to consider wisely, and thus makes him fail in graduating. But that what makes human humane.

3. The Turn of Events
This point might be universal and I believe many would agree to this. Events are not patterns. Our failure in passing Math test at Junior High won’t solely turn us into a dumb in Senior High. And otherwise, having 90 at Biology during Senior High won’t instantly turn you into a prodigy in the same major in college. Because it is unprecedented. The way a thief robbed a bank two months before might not be applicable if he was about to rob a different bank tonight. Because the complexity o the events accelerates with the competency in facing it. Communism might be the proper example. Had Mao Ze Dong still been alive today, he may not be as arrogant as he was during his victory era. His concept of communism would not make China as powerful as today. Because the linkage of events, their unique interdependency, is what makes the shifting parameter becomes possible. By this I mean, the parameter of becoming a great nation has shifted as the events vary. And this what makes it impossible to have a pattern or consistency.

Personally, you would be more equipped had you faced with the same lecturer in the new term. Because you knew what was lacking before. But that does not solely make you able to predict what type of test would your lecturer give you, esssay, verbal, anything are determined by the preference of the lecturer as well as his/her own consideration throughout the process of lecturing. Because that what makes life worth living; its dynamic and challenging turn of events which will either grow you up or makes you fall again (because the hole, thus, would never be the same hole again).

Life, sometimes, is like graphics. When we are on the peak we feel like you own the world. That is probably why, as the experience of being on top itself is very desirable, each time we fall we try our best to evaluate ourselves and make sure to stand tall.
Now that I explained my answers, some might disagree while some may remain abstain. Because subjectivity does matter. 

Life, my friend, is a forever process of learning.

Warmest Regards,

The Finally Come Back Blogger.

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