May 22, 2012

Book review: The Fault in Our Stars

I'm going to do my promise, making my own resume about The Fault in Our Stars.

The Fault in Our Stars is New York Bestselling, with its Bestseller Author, the magnificent John Green. This book is the second english book i finished reading (you know that i haven't finished reading sherlock and alice) And i highly recommend you this.

Aku tau buku ini dari blog orang, terus nge check di amazon previewnya, terus type google tentang ratingnya di indonesia, dan aku langsung ngebet banget ingin cepet beli. Sempet ke pending selama 2 minggu gara-gara sibuk sibuk sibuk, sampe akhirnya, senin kemarin transfer ke Periplus, dan pas rabu pulang sekolah Nenek bilang ada kiriman, begitu diliat IT'S MY BABY! Dengan semangat empat lima aku sobek paksa packagingnya, dan aku lahap. Rada sedih gara-gara vocabku yang miskin banget, but then right after I finished reading I feel so affluent.

Memang sih karakter-karakter buku ini menderita penyakit kanker, Hazel Grace, Augustus Waters, Isaac, mereka dipertemukan di support group dgn patrick yang super boring sbg pemimpinnya. Hazel kenal duluan sama Isaac sampai akhirnya dia ketemu Augustus aka Gus, yang begitu pertemuan pertama langsung nge flirt
"you're like millenial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman." as a teenager, Hazel dan Gus mengalami masa-masa puber yg acikiber banget. Sumpahnya Gus tuh gombalannya berkualitas banget! He combines a really mindfuck vocab into a mesmerizing words, Oh God I wish Gus were real.

Alors, together they fall in love in life. Yang bikin aku ngerasa jadi karakter di dlm buku itu dan ngerasain gimana rasanya hidup dengan twisted plot yg roller coaster banget adalah, the way they face life. Mereka nggak kaya orang-orang di buku-buku yg nyeritain tentang kanker. They consider cancer is a side effect of dying, in the other hand, mereka gak mau tuh dikasihanin atau di support, they already worn out of those things. Mereka cuma pingin hidup mereka berguna buat orang disekitar mereka, they want everybody, include stranger to retain who they were.

And also the way Gus calls Hazel "Hazel Grace" even though everybody calls her only Hazel. There is this hilarious convos among Gus, Gus's father and Hazel.
Gus: Dad this is Hazel Grace
Gus's Father: Hello Hazel Grace
Hazel: Just Hazel
Gus's Father: Hello Just Hazel
And Gus's father continues to call her Just Hazel :))

Memang rada brengsek juga sih ini novel, perasaan aku tuh beneran diaduk-aduk, jago banget sih John Green tuh, love you so much! pokoknya this book is highly recommended banget lah. Gak bakal nyesel dan dijamin ketagihan. Soalnya setiap aku baru beres baca, berasa ingin baca terus ampe hafal semua kata-katanya.

My fave quote?

Every letter which has been written in that book are my fave.

Oh, I wish there were a guy like Augustus Waters

I'm so going to marry him

Should I end this post?

BYE! :)

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