February 25, 2012

Personality Quiz!

You're an Energizer. Open-minded and curious, you tend to be positive and upbeat. You're a good listener, and your friends often rely on you for advice and support in good times and bad.You're well-rounded with a healthy attitude about life. Your passion and enthusiasm mean you thrive on new experiences and ideas. You value original thought and have a strong appreciation for arts and culture. Variety is definitely the spice of your life, and you thrive on having lots of different activities to sustain your interest.Things might be feeling a bit monotonous at the moment. You could probably do with shaking things up and having a break from your usual routine.You have a healthy approach to life. Having a regular spiritual practice that gives you a sense of inner peace is one of your priorities. Allowing yourself that kind of time for reflection will have a positive effect.You can be busy and constantly on the go. For you, it's important to find time to listen to your inner voice. Broaden your horizons so you don't stagnate, but also try to make sure you leave some gaps in your busy schedule to recharge those batteries. It's easy for you to fly from one full-on activity to another without any downtime. But it's in the quieter moments that we really get to know ourselves and our inner truth. Make sure the pace doesn't stop you from having honest moments of contemplation.For a lively people person like you, it's especially important to balance the "up" times with some quiet and reflective downtime. You can't expect yourself to run on all cylinders 100 percent of the time. The value of quiet time to meditate on your hopes and desires shouldn't be underestimated.

You're on the right track with your health. You love feeling rejuvenated after a good night's sleep.You're an endorphin junkie, and nothing beats exercise to make you look and feel fantastic. You have excellent reserves of energy and live life at a fast pace. Anything else would feel like slow motion. You probably grab every opportunity to do a little extra exercise - walking up escalators, jogging home from the store. And if you don't get your heart rate up regularly, you can end up feeling like a bit of a slob. Just be careful that you don't get too obsessed. No one wants to hear how many sit-ups you've done! (p.s I only do one sit up when I wake up in the morning)

You love your home comforts, and food is no exception. For you, it's all about simple, sturdy meals that could have come straight out of your mom's kitchen. Warm, homely aromas every day and the perfect Thanksgiving dinner in the fall would probably be your idea of culinary heaven

If you were given the opportunity to live your dream life, chances are you'd feel more at home settled in a cute country cottage than living it up in a mansion. Your low-key attitude means you'd prefer to get away from the stresses of city life and take it easy, perhaps spending your time in a colorful garden. Fresh air, birds chirping and home-grown veggies for dinner...what's not to like?

You're open to new experiences and love exploring the world. What better way to spend a vacation than heading out into the country and getting back to nature? After all, there's nothing like being out in the fresh air and under an open sky to blow out the cobwebs and leave you feeling invigorated. Sometimes a little space and distance from the everyday grind is the best medicine of all!

Asking about the latest book you're reading is probably the best way to get you talking! What better way to chill out and unwind than a good book that takes you faraway from everyday life? Escapism at its best! (Reading Books FTW!)

You believe in happy endings. By being yourself and feeling comfortable in your skin, you will give off positive energy and attract the kind of love you deserve.As a True Romantic, you've got a whole lot of love to give and like to jump in feet first. You have strong instincts and a good understanding of who you are and what you want from life. You like to follow your dreams and believe in happy endings. You are expressive and would like a relationship that's very open and honest. Intense experiences appeal to your sensual side. It's all about immersing yourself in the fairy-tale feelings of being in love. For you, it's the little things that make being in love so special: a sunset stroll on a beach, holding hands at the movies and feeling protected and cared for.


I am an Energizer. It's true that the strongest strength for me is by getting closer to God and surrounded by my family. I recharge my spirit by sleeping (duh). I refresh and relieve myself from stress by listening to music. The best holiday I'd like to have is to do a hiking over beautiful hills. The measurement of success to me is to be a CEO or being something I've always wanted. I love to read. Books are such a tiny way to escape myself from the hectic routines. I love to listen and talk at the same time. I love sharing my thoughts with people. And yes, I believe in happy ending. To me, romantic is to remember a simple thing your couple likes to do.

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