March 09, 2011

This is High School Life.

Ingin cerita. Ingin curhat. Ingin apapunlah itu. Aku cape. Aku males. Aku sebel. Ah apapun itu. Demi God I don't like being in this place. How can i start loving what i have if most of them is thing i hate? Ya mungkinlah gampang bilang kalem Nis this is just the beginning. Tapi atuh rasain coba. The people, the attitude, the way they see things is different with mine. at once i was like "Ah this is just girls drama as always" tapi lama kelamaan Damn hasn't it been too long to be in the kind of this situation? Kalo dipikir-pikir aku tuh kadang kayaknya terlalu baik jadi orang. When people discard me, i always feel guilty. I frequently blame myself like "Ah aku salah apa ya. Ko bego banget sih sampe nyakitin perasaan orang gitu" Padahal in fact i'm the one who bleed.

"Kadang elu tuh harus egois sedikit Nis." - Dea.

I really really want to get back to my childhood. Why? Karena dulu aku tuh cuek banget. Bukan karena aku gak peduli sama lingkungan sekitar. Tapi dulu tuh aku kalo ada maslah selalu take it easy. Ya i know the things are just different now. It isn't about My Mom forgets to do my hair, but it's about the real life.

Dulu kalo gak salah ka Dyna pernah bilang gini "Masa-masa SMA tuh, Welcome to the jungle" And it's occasionally rite. There's only one or two true friends. I mean the one who won't talk behind you. So what my mother said was
"Jangan ikut campur terlalu jauh sama hidup orang. Biarin aja, masing-masing punya hidupnya sendiri, punya caranya sendiri. Focus on yourself. Yang penting kamu gak kaya mereka"

Ahh how lucky i am to have her <3 Unch unch Mam!

Yaah don't feel like you have the worst high school life, you can count me in ha ha. So what do i actually want? Move. Having a good environment.

"Aku semangat belajar tuh karena temen-temen aku nyiptain suasana berkompetisi. Jadi kita tuh suka saling tuker ilmu atau sharing tentang hal-hal yang orang belum tau. Tanpa sadar, aku jadi kepicu buat selalu jadi lebih baik. Soalnya lingkungan aku kaya motivator aku" - Yoga, My brother.

Tentu aja, anak itru sebenernya gak ngomong gitu dengan kalimat yg sama persis. Tapi ya lebih kurang begitulah. He always moves forward.

Wednesday Morning,


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