February 26, 2011

The power of Suggestion

Pernah denger ga The Power Of Suggestion? Like when you feel cold during camping, and your leader suggest you to say "Warm, warm, warm" And a moment later the weather will be just warm enough. Have you? Well, I have. Last thursday i went to Dufan. I was like "MOM DAD THANK YOU FOR LEMME HAVE A SHORT VACATION!". Then i try Tornado and Hysteria. Hysteria is only 15 seconds. Tapi rasanya men wirrrrr berasa ga napak ke bumi. Berasa jantung kita tuh ketinggalan. Kalo Tornado, aku rada mual abis naiknya gara-gara blm makan siang ha. Tornado was flipping challenging. 
That's me, the brown cream t-shirt with the veil ones. And beside me is my auntie with blue veil. Itu pas lagi dibalik. Sumpah ya, naik ini tuh cape teriaknya. Kesel. Sampe teriak-teriak "Udahan atuh woy!" Padahal kan jelas-jelas ga akan diberhentiin -_- AT once, i was like Hah tornado? Hysteria? Naik roller coaster aja aku ga berani. But my auntie keep saying "Kalo kamu bilang takut, ya bakal takut. Kalo kamu bilang pusing, ya bakal pusing. Kalo kamu bilang nyeremin, ya bakal nyeremin" And i try to suggest myself like "Okay Nis it's fine, you've just waited for about 30 minutes and when your time just come you want to give up? Big no." So, i tried to make myself as brave as i could. And yah success. Both are fun you kno. I was extremely happy, because i could just scream as loud as i want. I feel like, trouble? All i know about this life is Rock! Hahaha. 

Jadi tuh sebenernya, everyone has a same ability. If your friend could do something good, you can do it better! But if you just suggest yourself like "Ahh i can't" So you can't! If you're include to that "everyone who has a same ability", go show to the other one that you can do better! Remember that you can, you just choose not to. So start from now on, keep saying "I can do better" and you just choose you can. Be brave in taking a risk! If you want sumthin' you hjaven't had before, you have to do sumthing you've never done bfr. Semangat yuk! :) 

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